UX Writing – Making an Impact

23.09.2023 / Cara Bland UX Writing is a crucial aspect of creating a successful digital product that resonates with users. It involves creating clear, concise, and effective content that communicates the product’s value proposition, guides the user through their journey, and ultimately leads to conversions. UX writing requires a deep understanding of the user’s expectations and can make a significant impact on the overall user experience.

By involving UX Writers in the design process from the beginning and integrating them into company processes, businesses can streamline their content creation and documentation, increase efficiency and consistency, and ultimately achieve greater success in their digital products. 

The first instalment of this article (read here) talked about the definition of UX Writing and why it matters, this second part will show you how to make an impact within your company through UX Writing. 

Happy company: making an impact and streamlining your process

While you’re busy keeping your users happy, UX Writing can significantly contribute to the happiness of your company. Behind the scenes, UX Writing can solve problems on your interface and easily make small but effective changes, which can result in significant benefits. This way, UX Writing provides quick fixes to improve the user experiences and value.

UX Writing can solve problems on your interface

UX Writing provides quick fixes to improve the user experience and value. Source: Canva

By integrating UX Writing into your company processes and creating a documentation flow, you can enhance efficiency, ensure consistency, and document decision-making. Improve your product through quick fixes with terminologies, glossaries, consistency checks, manuals and tutorials, translation and localization. Improve your process through content style guides, innovations, user research, prototyping, and usability testing. Improve your culture by integrating UX Writing and making use of a content design system. 
UX Writing becomes an integral part of a streamlined process that facilitates finding the right words faster.

Making a global impact

UX writing has the potential to make a profound impact not just at the functional and usable level, but also on a global scale. By incorporating local contexts, UX writing can create a product that resonates across cultures

Localization from one language to another has to take into account the many different meanings of words.

Data-driven evolution

By leveraging data-driven insights, UX Writers can develop content that not only engages users, but also drives measurable results. Through rigorous research and testing, UX Writing can help increase conversion rates and boost user engagement

UX Writing and data are a powerhouse for progress. (Source: YouTube Video (05:09) by Google Developers)

UX Writing is a strategic approach that takes into account user behavior, market trends, and business objectives. With the right UX Writing strategy in place, businesses can evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of their customers. Data-driven insights can help identify pain points in the user experience, allowing for UX Writers to develop targeted solutions that address specific user needs. In short, UX Writing and data are a powerhouse for progress, enabling businesses to create digital products that are not only functional and usable, but also deliver measurable results

Writing and designing: a strategic collaboration

Collaboration between writing and designing is a key element in the success of a product. However, UX Writing within a company is often overlooked until the final stages of the design process. This can lead to missed opportunities for improvement and, ultimately, a less effective product. 

Rather than waiting until the last minute, incorporating UX Writers from the beginning can lead to a more productive and cost-effective approach. This allows for a smoother integration of words and design, resulting in a cohesive user experience

UX Writers design with words

The UX Writing process, just like the design process, involves various stages of exploration, definition, creation and development until the product is validated and delivered. What tends to happen, is that at the last stage – at the stage of validation and just before the product is to be delivered – the UX Writer (or writing team) is asked to step in. “Hey, could you take a look at this line?” Now, while a UX Writer can definitely fix problems with words (as outlined above), a way more productive and cost-effective approach would be to involve in the writing team at the beginning. By involving the writing team early on, they can contribute to the research, map out the information architecture, and add to wireframes and mock-ups, all of which will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the product. 

Iconstorm UX Writing services

To sum up:

Ultimately, the key to realizing the benefits of UX Writing is to view it as a strategic investment rather than an afterthought. By taking a holistic approach and considering how UX writing can support your product and company goals, you can maximize its potential and create a more enjoyable experience for your users. 

Contact us (cara.bland@iconstorm.com) to find out more!